When designing a packaging it is important to pay attention to different aspects that go beyond the box. Some of these aspects are the distribution of the product and its placement in the store. The creation of context-friendly boxes falls within the range of visual merchandising. Visual merchandising is a set of interventions aimed at displaying each product consistently with the corporate commercial strategy. This kind of strategy defines the display methods and the various setting requirements (layout, graphics, type of lighting, etc …).

The design efforts of visual merchandising aim to enhance and animate the products in the store and to create the right communicative atmosphere to attract the attention of consumers. These measures are essential to increase the sales potential of a product.

The box is a true marketing tool and represents one of the main corporate advertising channels, as well as the most reliable one since it presents the most truthful information about the items sold. Visual merchandising, in fact, is a multisensory strategy that stimulates all senses and encourages the consumer to engage with the product. Therefore, it is necessary to create a perfect context for customers to enjoy a pleasant shopping experience. By exploiting all the display potential of the shop it’s possible to highlight the characteristics of the product and to showcase the brand and its values.

If you are considering designing a personalized box for your products, remember to pay particular attention to the visual aspects. In fact, good packaging and the right positioning of the products in the store are fundamental to successfully improve sales.

We suggest implementing the following:

  • differentiate yourself from the competition
  • create a strong corporate image, easily recognizable and consistent with the values ​​of your brand
  • communicate the brand identity through appropriate graphical and promotional choices integrated between various communication media
  • lastly, take care of the customer through marketing strategies that simplify the choice and purchase decisions and processes.

What are you waiting for? Create your own context-friendly packaging now with Packly and beat the competition.