Digital Publishing Explorers is an Italian event dedicated to digital marketing and communication explorers who want to strengthen their digital skills. The 4th edition has been held in Brescia on March 30th.
Studio 361, the event organizer, has chosen Packly to produce the sponsored lunch boxes assigned to all the attendees.
The annual edition has been full of emotions and networking. Together speakers and participants faced the latest digital news discovering various topics about paper, packaging, social networks, AR, and so on. It was a full and productive day to learn something more about the opportunities offered by the integrated digital strategy. There were also dedicated masterclasses.
During the event, we had the pleasure to meet a lot of marketing digital explorers. For the occasion, Michela Di Stefano (Adobe Guru and founder of Studio 361) and Giuseppe Prioriello (CEO of Packly) talked about the opportunities offered by the packaging world and by Packly.
Teams of the 2 companies have also worked together to create the sponsored lunch boxes distributed during the DPE.
Lunch boxes powered by Pakly live demo
During his speech, Giuseppe explained all the features and functionalities offered by Packly. He also made a live demo focused on the lunch box project showing how easy and fast it is to create custom packagings on Packly.

The demo started from the creation of bespoke dielines and ended with the generation of the 3d preview of the box with custom artwork. Then, the virtual 3D model has been shared online using the sharing feature offered by Packly. Thus, through a simple link, anyone had the chance to view the project on their computer or smartphone. Here is the final result:

The live demo highlighted all the potentialities of our service. Packly proved to be a good ally either for marketing experts and for all the attendees, who got their lunch safe and sound thanks to the boxes powered by Packly.

Enjoy the pleasant atmosphere of DPE, having a look at the photo gallery.