Packaging can be a powerful social tool. Anchor Worldwide agency launched a guerrilla marketing campaign in New York. Pharmacies of the big apple featured packs of fake anti-racism drugs.
In addition to being a tool for maximizing sales, packaging can serve as social denunciation. We’d like to present you with a once-in-a-lifetime case. The Anchor Worldwide agency has unleashed a guerrilla marketing campaign in New York. Boxes of fake drugs appeared on the shelves, containing pills against racism.
Needless to say, the packages are empty, as stated on the back. The purpose is to raise public awareness of racism as a troublesome disease. Unlike the latter, however, reflection and open-mindedness can beat it.

A box of drugs offers space to communicate in a simple, direct, and effective way. Add a pinch of irony, and you’ll get a powerful message. In fact, among the active ingredients of the drug, we find love, compassion, empathy, etc.
The origins of social packaging
The inspiration for the famous Anchor agency to conceive the guerrilla campaign is infamous. It originates from racial crimes against the Asian community. Kevin Bae, art director at Anchor, says: “We wanted a magical and miraculous way to rid our world of racism, as vaccines try to do with Covid. But there is no medical cure for hate. It still spreads like a disease, infecting people’s minds. Here is where the idea of a cure for racism came from. Our pill packs and pharmaceutical advertisements inform and educate people in areas where hate crimes have occurred. “
More than 100 boxes appeared in 40 pharmacies in downtown Manhattan. Brooklyn and Queens followed. The stores were unaware of the initiative, nor did the agency ask permission to use the shelves.
In addition to the fake pill packages, there are unauthorized advertisements around the city that read: “Cure for racism” and “Feel less racist, fast” to engage residents on their daily routes. A QR code links to information material.
Do you need to communicate a powerful message with a box? No problem. Choose from Packly’s library. Perfect the graphics, and that’s it. The limit is your creativity.