Among sweet and bakery packaging, cardboard boxes for donuts and cakes stand out. Discover Packly’s best solutions to meet your needs.

Greedy people: this post is for you, because we will talk about sweet and bakery packaging, with a particular focus on donuts. The latter are utterly loved by Homer Simpson as well as American policemen in movies, but they are also increasingly popular in Italy.

We are not sure when donuts conquered the Italian sweet teeth. We suspect that McDonald’s had a hand in it a few years ago. What is certain is that they are now also found in the most sought after bars and patisseries, as well as on supermarket shelves. So let’s analyze the most appropriate packaging solutions for this confectionery product.

Let’s start with an example that is, as always, very simple but smart. A cardboard box with a window. In the background there are monochrome stylized donuts with different graphic patterns. The manufacturer logo is superimposed in a clearly visible fiery red, which also reminds us of a famous Italian brand. The product sells thanks to the transparency of the central window which allows the glaze of the donuts to be glimpsed at and makes consumer anticipate their taste.

Multiple box with window
Multiple box with window

The possible tastes and coatings for donuts are innumerable. However everyone likes to apply their personal touch, pretty much like we do with coffee. So the single donut pack comes into play. The artwork picks up the color of the dominant ingredient and the usual transparent window represents the coup de grace to make the buyer capitulate. These boxes for sweets and pastries, for instance, could also be used for colorful and visually impacting products such as toys or high-end cosmetics.

Single donut box with window
Single donut box with window

However, we should not forget those who care more about substance than appearance, those who love to fill their stomachs on the fly from a food van. If in the right mood, these street gourmands could also decide to bring donuts to their colleagues in the office, perhaps during a casual Friday. How is this achieved? Open-end boxes without a lid will do. The donuts are comfortably lined up one behind the other, ready to be grabbed by the fastest. Graphics is not even needed, there is a realistic photo and a brand name, but they could even be done without. Two boxes side by side seem to form a small train of goodies, don’t you agree?

Open lid multiple donut boxes
Open end box for multiple donuts

And now we are turning to boxes for cakes and pastries that are less inviting, because they are not transparent, but nonetheless effective. Let’s start with a fun and chic prototype. It is a Rollover hinged lid box made of white cardboard without glue points , with a buttonhole for easy opening. It could contain anything, from gadgets to clothing or stationery. The artwork however, is unequivocal and – in our opinion – infallible. We can see eight illustrations of donuts with the most varied decorations and a copy hinting at their freshness and sweetness. Who could resist opening it?

Donut lid cardboard box
Rollover hinged Lid take-away box

Let’s decidedly switch the subject with a single capacity cardboard auto bottom box whose contents we personally would never be able to guess, if we didn’t go read the label. Inside there may be creams for dry, oily or mixed skin, even pricey ones apparently. This is not the case though, because in Japan donuts become synonymous with care and luxury, in a way that is very fascinating. Still we could draw inspiration from these prototypes to package a pharmaceutical product, if necessary.

Single donut cardboard box without window
Single donut cardboard auto bottom box

Our review ends with a revised niche product. Donuts are transformed into a healthy and protein-rich snack, placed inside a package that would seem more appropriate for superfoods. The nutritional values are clearly specified, the simple box and the minimal graphics with natural colors and textured cardboard make us think of organic foods, but the photo leaves no room for interpretation. It’s chocolate donuts and they promise to be as good as their less healthy “twins”. Will they succeed in the endeavor? If you have tried them, please let us know.

Multiple donut cereal-size cardboard box
Donut cereal-size seal end box

Pastry chefs, bakers, cake designers or retailers of confectionery products, have you found the right box for you? Single, multiple, with or without window, the packaging for your products is certainly in our catalog. Create a prototype without minimum order quantities and find the right solution for you!